Bottle - Cask # 3.227, Tasty farmhouse cooking
Cask No. 3.227, Tasty farmhouse cooking
Tasty farmhouse cooking

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Cask No. 3.227 Lightly peated

Tasty farmhouse cooking

sold out

The room was immediately filled with the warm and rich smells of a beef consommé with a good splash of aged Sherry added. This we then poured over an old fashioned rabbit casserole with rosemary, celery and roasted carrots and let it simmer on a wood burning stove. The taste is good farmhouse cooking, intense flavours of fresh tomato soup as well as honey roasted sweet potatoes prepared with ginger, cumin and coriander. With water a sweet earthy note is added reminding some of us of compost using pine sawdust and pine needles or of peat stacks out to dry. The taste now welcoming and juicy like a tender pork stew with light herb dumplings.


Age 16
Date Distilled September 1997
Cask Type Refill sherry butt
Region Islay
Outturn 591 bottles
ABV 56.4 %