Bottle - Cask # 30.72, Take a break and have a...
Cask No. 30.72, Take a break and have a...
Take a break and have a...

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Cask No. 30.72 Deep, rich & dried fruits

Take a break and have a...

sold out

The initial nose is of scorched brown sugar, fresh coffee beans, rum and raisin ice cream and a burnt walnut loaf dipped into a balsamic vinegar bread dip. It is big, almost mouth numbing, on the palate neat. Sweet and bitter notes of chocolate with 80% cocoa content, cardamom biscuits and a slightly sulphury note like burnt tablet. With water, aromas of leather and wood polish appear as well as caramel sauce, coffee cake and a breeze of salty air! - from a distillery in the heart of Speyside next to a cemetery. The taste is of freshly brewed nut flavoured coffee and a chocolate-coated wafer bar.

Age 11
Date Distilled March 2001
Cask Type Refill port pipe
Outturn 752 bottles
ABV 57.3 %