Bottle - Cask # 119.14, Raspberry imperial stout
Cask No. 119.14, Raspberry imperial stout
Raspberry imperial stout

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Cask No. 119.14 Deep, rich & dried fruits

Raspberry imperial stout

sold out

The Panel found deep notes of sherry trifle, black coffee and dark chocolate with cherry.  Also, spicy dark fruits of the forest, sweet, earthy beetroot, and imperial stout with raspberry.  “So rich!” exclaimed one Panellist.  “So sweet!” said another.  Water brought ginger preserve, malt loaf, raspberry concentrate, chocolate prunes and Fisherman’s Friend lozenges to the fore.  There were chocolate limes to taste, along with strawberry Starbursts, pear shisha, Dr. Pepper and a quality new leather note.  We were left with Blackjacks liquorice chews, lemon tea and ginger coated with dark chocolate as a fond reminder.

Age 11
Date Distilled April 2003
Cask Type 1st fill bota corta
Region Japan
Outturn 538 bottles
ABV 53.9 %