Bottle - Cask # 77.57
Cask No. 77.57,

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Cask No. 77.57 Spicy & sweet


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A textbook aroma for this distillery and deeply satisfying. A plethora of sweet waxes, carbon paper, smoked canvas, toasty cereals, salty butter, chives, chopped parsley, lemongrass, aged ointments, buttercream and sandalwood. Water brings out lemon cheesecake richness, lamp oils, sooty waxes, dusty malt barns, hot wort, hay lofts, beach pebbles and fabric softener.

The mouth is full of toasty pine cones and retsina wine, then gauze and embrocations, fir liqueur, herbal extracts, various teas and cherry blossom. With water it moves towards old sweet wines, spicy bourbon cocktails, milk chocolate and light chili heat.

Age 9 years
Date Distilled 7 April 2009
Cask Type Refill hogshead
Region Highland
Outturn 263 bottles
ABV 59.1 %