Bottle - Cask # 54.38, Confectionery and carpenters
Cask No. 54.38, Confectionery and carpenters
Confectionery and carpenters

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Cask No. 54.38 Young & spritely

Confectionery and carpenters

sold out

The Panel were carried on a wave of sweetness: white vanilla chocolate, fizzy lemon zest, juicy peaches and wood spice. One panelist was reminded of licking the bowl when making sponge cake with raspberry filling. They found intense heat which made tongues tingle, then smooth with freshly sliced peach layered with white chocolate ice cream. Water enhanced the juiciness with tinned fruit salad laden with glace cherries. It stirred an earthy note that evoked memories of cleaning out the spice cupboard, with nutmeg and cinnamon. To finish, fresh summer flowers with pencil shavings and fresh planks of wood in a carpenter’s workshop.                 


Age 8
Date Distilled October 2006
Cask Type Refill barrel
Region Speyside
Outturn 210 bottles
ABV 62.8 %