Bottle - Cask # 85.22, A lady of the night
Cask No. 85.22, A lady of the night
A lady of the night

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Cask No. 85.22 Spicy & dry

A lady of the night

sold out

Dark scents beset us: date loaf with Pecan nuts, rum truffles, Jamaican ginger cake, fudge with raisins, and a waft of (unlit) menthol cigarettes. At natural strength the taste is sweet with a light bitterness like burnt toffee (‘salt-water taffy’ commented one), dark chocolate in the finish and Kendal mint-cake in the aftertaste. Water conjured a leather couch against a backdrop of dripping candles, Pecan pie, treacle tart and Caramac, with a smooth texture and a centre-palate taste, sweet overall, with hints of spice and camphor in the finish. The malt comes from the last distillery to be built in the 19th Century. 

Age 12
Date Distilled September 1999
Cask Type Refill ex-sherry butt
Outturn 592 bottles
ABV 60 %